Our environmental approach

Photo - Our black ecolbel Charter


Les Sources de Caudalie has been committed to green tourism for over twenty years and has now been awarded European Ecolabel certification, the achievement of a collective effort.


For the Tourbier couple - founders of Les Sources de Caudalie - eco-responsibility is the core value of their definition of travel.

At their side, the entire team is committed to sustainable tourism. Here, luxury is not ostentatious, but the service is tailor-made and respectful of people and nature.
We are determined to consume with conscience and to apply sustainable development as a principle of decision and action.

Photo - Notre Charte exterieur23 2019latelierdestyle 1



Reducing and controlling our water consumption

    • The'watering of our exteriors is done exclusively thanks to water of our boreholes;
    • The bed linen are now only renewed every 2 or 3 days in long stays ultimate
      we make our customers aware of this;
    • Only towels on the floor or in the baths are changed;
    • The Spa Caudalie and its facilities such as the barrel bath, swimming pools
      or the jacuzzi, are fed by a natural water source drawn directly from 540m below our feet.


Reducing, sorting and recycling our waste

    • A vermicomposter has been installed for the recycling of all waste from our kitchens. Once collected, the compost feeds our vegetable garden;
    • We sort out ultimate recycle all types of waste thanks to the company Elise (cardboard, paper, plastic, wood, aluminium, glass). A precise monthly follow-up of the tonnage is sent to us. This recycling allows the creation of stable jobs for people with integration difficulties, most often due to disability. 


Reducing our carbon footprint in catering


    • We consume as locally as possible and in season our 250m2 organic garden, method of permaculture, a chicken coop as well as the bee garden allow us to reduce the import of products ultimate supply the hotel's kitchens in fresh eggs, fruit, vegetables, edible flowers and herbs. A way to ensure maximum freshness on your plate while having zero transport;
    • Over three years ago, we decided to take our approach one step further by associating with Rachel, founder of the Conservatoire du Goût to accompany us on the vegetable garden and campaigning for the preservation of varieties;
    • The breakfast buffet is composed of products exclusively from New Aquitaine (excluding tea, coffee and sugar), as well as the 5 and 7 course menus of the Michelin starred restaurant La Grand'Vigne;
    • We have chosen to reduce consumption of meat products which is the source of the largest greenhouse gas emissions. At La Grand'Vigne restaurant, the menus include only one meat dish, the weight of which is controlled. In the other restaurants, we suggest vegetarian alternatives or based on fish from sustainable fishing;
    • To combat food waste, we have set up a series of training courses for our catering teams on the eco-gestures to adopt.
Photo - Our Kitchen Garden Charter04 2016 GdeLaubier® scaled 1
Photo - Our Charter R5A0182 min scaled 1



Offering eco-responsible amenities


    • Our shower care are now rechargeable, in large 250ml and 500ml containers, in recyclable ultimate recycled plastic.
    • We have removed all plastic packaging from labelled products in the room or in the shop. Zero packaging is a priority and when necessary we give preference to fabric packaging. In the room, guests will find a small cloth bag containing a reusable kit. 


Developping and maintaining the hotel in a more responsible way


    • For the design of the hotel, the high quality materials and local provenance are favoured: marble from the Pyrenees in the bathrooms, raw wood species, woodwork recovered from the region, antique furniture ultimate refurbished, etc.
    •  The accommodation teams participated in a cycle of training on the eco-actions cleaning.
    • The cleaning products of the hotel are ecolabelled.
    • Room maintenance teams sorting waste the waste bins in each room and bathroom.
    • From LED bulbs power all the hotel's lights





Provide a pleasant and fulfilling working environment


    • We obtained the score of 94/100 to the calculation of theThe index of professional equality between men and women.
    • We offer our employees continuous training through the Sources Académie. Throughout the year, external training courses leading to certification, as well as in-company training, are organised.
    • We have equipped all our rooms with bed lifts to reduce the drudgery of chambermaids
    • We arrange the schedules of our teams in such a way that everyone can find a work-life balance (implementation of a 4 days worked for 3 days off system for the kitchen and hostel service teams, one Saturday or Sunday off per month is allowed, one week off in summer is allowed)
Photo - Our SourcesDeCaudalie Charter HR Shooting ©itshenriette 2022 51 scaled 1
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